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Rivers End Sportfishing Guide



Bruce English is a seasoned and experienced outdoorsman, boat captain and guide. Born and raised in the southern region of NB, he resides on the most, lower reaches of the Saint John and Kennebecasis river system.

Here, is where the river meets the saltwater of The Bay of Fundy to produce some very,
unique and challenging fishing conditions, such as the Reversing Falls Rapids.

Bruce is a multi-species fisherman and guide. He has, for over four decades, been fortunate enough to have experienced fishing for many species of  fish throughout NB lakes, streams and river systems.

Bruce specializes in guided fishing excursions for Striped Bass and Shortnose Sturgeon.

Residing on the river and having his boat docked with such close, proximity to the Reversing Falls has led to passion and relentless pursuit of trophy Striped Bass.

Being a strong advocate for catch and release as
well as a conservationist for the sustainability of both Striped bass and Shortnose Sturgeon, he
exemplifies the true requirements of an angler and a guide in order to sustain a healthy fishery.

Bruce’s angling techniques and vast knowledge of the river system has enabled him to be productive
and successful when targeting both Striped bass and Shortnose Sturgeon.

Bruce holds safety to the highest regard when guiding around the Reversing Falls Rapids and the river system. He ensures a hundred percent effort is given in order to proclaim a safe, entertaining and successful outing. He finds great pride and satisfaction when able to share his experience and knowledge with other anglers so they can achieve their goals and memories on the water.