Thank you for your support!


In 2020, Doiron’s Sports felt the city of Saint John needed to
rally its community during a difficult fall of COVID-19 and the cancellation of holiday events
and gatherings. Inspired by the memories of Murphyville as a child, We set out to
recreate the magic of the holidays. We asked schools in and around Saint John to paint
and decorate reindeer that would be displayed out front of the store along with over 15,000 lights
and numerous other decorations.

The display grew again in 2021 with nearly 20 Nutcrakers
and the NB Southern train.



Now in its third year, Mental health and awareness have taken center stage this year with a new lighting display
letting everyone know that ‘it’s ok to not be ok’. This meaningful message is flanked by a
white heart of lights from Operation White Heart and the number 7, a tribute to Marc’s friend
Brent McLellan who sadly lost his battle with mental health in 2019.
“Everyone has been touched by mental health, including me, having lost a friend a few
years ago”  Partnering with the Maddy Murphy group has allowed me to give
back to this important cause and work closely with the amazing family and friends of Maddy
who also fought and struggled with mental health. Too often these battles happen behind
closed doors. My goal is to let everyone know that you don’t have to struggle alone, it’s ok
to not be ok”.



There are new additions being decorated by schools and daycares as well. 27 minions are being added to the festive display this year.



Special thank you to the guys at Gulf Operators that carved out these Minions and have leant their expertise to ensure Santa’s
sleigh is in picture perfect condition. The sleigh attracts both the youngest and oldest
visitors to Doironville and is a popular photo stop.



Guests are welcome to view the display during the holidays, however December 3 rd is the
big night when We will host a reverse parade from 5pm to 10pm at
31 Greenhead Rd, Saint John

Along with a cast of characters from Christmas and popular children shows, the volunteers
will This year wbe accepting non-perishable food items and grocery store gift cards for the
West Side Food Bank and Cash Donations to the Maddy Murphy Memorial Fund for Mental
Health in Mmemory of Brent McLellan.that will be donated to the Maddy Murphy Memorial
Fund for Mental Health,
If you can't make it and wish to donate by email please send donations to



Santa Claus, Mrs Clause, Grinch, Fiona, Donkey, Tweety, Silvester, Clowns, Scooby, Mario Brothers, 
Flint Stones, Elves, Snowman, Gingerbread Man, Christmas Tree, Olaf, Chase Paw Patrol, Marshall Paw Patrol,
Rubble Paw Patrol, Jake the moose, Mickey and Minny, Turtles, Sully, Lion, Gru, Minions, Sponge Bob and more!!



Doiron Sports would like to thank the community partners who helped to make Doironville happen.



Irving Pulp & Paper

NB Southern Railway

Gulf Operators

Saint John Energy

City of Saint John

Saint John Police

Saint John Firefighters